Meditation Themes

Believe In Yourself

“Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself, because your true self is God.” Neville Goddard 

Dear Ones, 

I think confidence or belief in oneself is something we all want in life. It is in fact this strong call for stability and security most of us can feel. It was something I personally always wanted. I watched people searching for it in external things, but intuitively understood it was not there. Whether it’s a relationship, education, social status, possessions etc. as much as it’s natural for us to care for those aspects of our lives and enjoy them, they are not the answer to this prayer. As in the moment any of them are taken away, our confidence diminishes as well. So was it ever present then? Belief in oneself feels to me more like a living and growing plant one has to tend to. It grows in the space hidden to the eyes of the outside world. It’s an independent creature so it doesn’t rely on any external approval either. I love seeing it grow within me together with my spiritual evolution, which feels eternal and open ended. The roots of this plant are now grounded in my unshakeable inner knowing that we all are created beautifully unique and we only need to trust, respect, and authentically express this uniqueness in the world. So that the divine idea as YOU, ME or US can be brought into the light of the seen reality as a celebration of life and all creation….So believe in yourself – YOU, eternal forever loved soul. Believe in yourself now and always.
I am looking forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

Meditation Venues:
London: Fri 10th May at 5.30 pm at Light Centre Monument, 36 St Mary at Hill,  EC3R 8DU Hove: Sat 11th May at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre, 143-145 Portland Rd, BN3 5QJ Lewes: Thurs 16th May at 9.30 am at Intrinsic Health, 32 Cliffe High Street, BN7 2AN

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