Meditation Themes

Inspiration For Your Year 2023

Dear Ones,
It has become a lovely tradition now that in one of the first meditations of the year we open together to the Divine within and listen for any inspiration for the new year, this week for the year 2023. It is one of the many wonderful benefits of meditating that we learn to go beyond the limitations of the physical mind and become receptive to a greater wisdom within. This is so important especially if we want to bring something new into our lives which always requires stepping into the unknown. It’s good to be realistic and know that we can’t expect the mind to lead us forward. The mind, especially an intelligent one, is a wonderful tool and certainly has its place in life, but it simply doesn’t have the ability to truly guide us. At least not if your life is about movement forward, about growth, expansion and genuine joy. The physical mind only works with what it knows from the beginning of your life till now and in that sense has its obvious limitations and often just recreates and recycles the past in some ways. There might be different faces and different places but essentially it reproduces the same life experience. 

The greater eternal and infinite you on the other hand has the ability to see and show you a greater picture of your life and guide you truly forward and beyond any previous limitations. It speaks to you through the intuitive wisdom of your heart. And not only at the beginning of the year but every day! But you have to take time to listen to it and to develop your ability to hear it accurately. Most of us in the western society are masters of listening to the mind, to the thoughts, no matter how false or even insane at times they might be! Most people in our society today live without ever questioning their thoughts and automatically identify with them, no matter whether they serve them or not, as for most this is an unconscious process. Very few take time to be still and listen to the intuitive wisdom of the heart and fearlessly follow its lead. 

But if you are reading these words, chances are you are one of those rare souls who understand that your heart speaks with wisdom to you and that you can learn to listen and trust it. Your intuition won’t spoil surprises for you and reveal your precise destination with every little detail, it’s more like a friend gently taking your hand, walking with you and lovingly whispering to you “this way”. There might be peaceful, joyful feelings in your heart or even excitement, you might hear words which stirr your heart in a unique personal way so you will know their true meaning. You might receive a vision, a picture, an insight only you know how to translate and what it means. The intuitive guidance is unique for each of us and we all have the ability to receive it and eventually master our intuitive gifts.

This is often easier to do in a group meditation especially if you are just beginning to explore this part of you, and so you are very welcome to join us for this week’s meditation, as we’ll all open to the wisdom within and ask for inspiration, guidance and messages for this year. For me personally, I really love this meditation as it often brings unexpected surprising insights. To me, this is a higher inspired way to start a year and also set intentions for the year, which we will then do in the following meditation. As we open to the greater self, and to the guidance of the Angels and Source, we truly start the year in a cosmic way and open to infinite possibilities. We all deserve nothing less!

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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