Meditation Themes

True Self-Love

Dear Ones,
As we are just stepping into new and fresh energies of the spring, it’s a wonderful time to start something new, to be brave and take any inspired action in the direction of our true heart’s desires. And when we are grounded in true self-love we can be sure that we are in touch with what our true heart’s desires really are as we won’t subscribe easily to anything which could take us further away from authentic happiness, whether it is following external ideas of the current society which might have nothing to do with us or following the ego desires still coming from a place of lack, unworthiness and separation and creating never ending cycles of dissatisfaction.

And so if you are inspired, let’s reaffirm self-love together in this week’s meditation: Loving yourself truly means loving all aspects of yourself, both the light and the dark. Love heals all, and so with more love, you are naturally healing anything which still needs healing within you and at the same time you are transforming into a greater version of yourself. Loving yourself means loving both your humanity and your divinity which creates an equilibrium within you. It’s like having one foot in the non-physical and the other in the physical: you are in this world but not of it. Loving yourself unconditionally will not only increase your capacity to love yourself but also to love others, so it certainly doesn’t mean becoming self-absorbed, arrogant or narcissistic. 

Loving yourself truly means consistently opening your heart and no longer holding onto any grudges, so that love can flow freely out and in. In self-love you truly understand and treasure your individuality, your uniqueness, the value of your existence in this time and space. So you naturally allow yourself to follow your joy and express all your unique gifts and talents which is a great blessing not only for yourself but the whole world. 

Loving yourself will inspire you to take good care of your body, mind and spirit, so that the harmony within and without can naturally emerge. And finally true love for yourself will make you more receptive to love of the Divine, your Angels and Guides and all your loved ones so you will know unequivocally that you are already living in a loving and supportive Universe.  And maybe then you will be finally ready to let go, relax and let this immense Love nourish you, support you and guide you. 

And so dearest One, are you ready to love yourself more today and ever after? 

 Lots of love, 

Jana xx

You are very welcome to join Us for Meditation with the Theme True Self-Love

Saturday 25th March at 11.30* am ot the Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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