Meditation Themes

The Greatest Version Of Yourself

Dear Ones,

the opportunity to become a greater version of ourselves is always available to us. But it is us who have to see this new possibility first. If we can’t see it, it’s like it doesn’t exist for us at that moment. Sometimes we are too focused on what’s happening right now in front of our eyes or what happened to us in the past and so the new higher path seems to be invisible, temporarily obscured from our view. 

It helps to know that we live in a vibrational universe and so for us to be able to catch a glimpse of the new higher reality we have to be first a match to it. The vibration translates into the way we feel. So if we feel good we are a match to the universe where we effortlessly attract things, people, events which will make us feel good again. But if we for example feel frustrated we become a part of the reality which brings us more to be frustrated about: Like attracts like. We ARE our own universe. 

Most of us usually don’t focus consistently and that actually can be to our benefit at times. If we are having a hard time, soon enough we’ll start focusing on something good and we’ll leave the “having a hard time universe” behind and naturally start calling in more positive experiences, people and circumstances. And so although it often doesn’t feel that way, it’s all in our hands. Or perhaps even better said, in our perspective, in our attitude. 

In that sense we are our own creation. I feel the greatest gift in life and the only thing we can take with us one day when we’ll cross over back to the nonphysical is not what we have or do but who we become. And the good news is that we can start choosing who we are becoming more consciously right now rather than just letting life itself sculpt us. We can ask ourselves often, probably best at the beginning of each day: What is the greatest expression/version of me? I think the best way to ask this is in meditation, when we know for sure that we are grounded and connected to the heart. In that way the answer won’t be influenced by any agendas of our ego-mind or preconceived ideas of who we “should be” which can be misleading and can take us further from our true unique potential and joy. 

And then we just need to listen, become fully receptive to the truth of the heart and the higher mind which starts answering our question, perhaps through images, thoughts, feelings, naturally creating a vision of what’s truly possible for us. So this inner vision can then be like our true north calling us consistently forward. 

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, join us for meditation this week as we’ll focus on the greatest version of ourselves and it would be great to share the experience with you too!

I look forward to meditating with you. 

Lots of love, 

Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme Greatest Version of Yourself

On Thursday 7th December at 10* am & On Saturday 9th December at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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