Dear Ones,Each of us is unique for a reason. Each of us is an unique aspect of the Divine and by being who we truly are we bring so much …
The Beauty Of Simplicity
Dear Ones, As we are experiencing and will continue to experience so many changes both in our personal lives and collectively, many of which we would never anticipate, it’s good …
Abundance & Prosperity
Dear Ones, There is so much abundance, so much richness within us and all around us, only if we allow ourselves to see it… We all know the wisdom of the glass …
“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Rumi Dear Ones, loving yourself unconditionally is an art you can master. Sometimes people think it means being self-indulgent or too self-absorbed …
Sweet Surrender
Dear Ones,Sometimes we hold onto things too tight and in doing so we are actually blocking them from further development and progress. There are literally only two sources of our thoughts, …
Dear Ones, There is really only one thing which can hold us back in life and that’s our own fear. No matter how it manifests, whether as paralysing worry or …
Dear Ones, One of the greatest gifts of my work is that it gives me a real insight into human nature and the human mind. I see it again and again …
The Highest Expression Of You
Dear Ones, For some time I am now awakened to a deeper knowing that I – and everybody else – am an unique and eternal aspect of the Divine. It certainly is a …
Change Is Natural
Dear Ones,Change is the only constant in life and so the way we embrace change tells us much about how we embrace life. If we resist change we can be …
Allow Yourself to Dream
Dear Ones, I love the clarity awakening brings into my life. You see, I am a dreamer. I always was. And now I understand that I was in touch with …