“Your purpose is to be YOU as fully as you can and the way that’s perhaps most easily done is to act on your highest joy.” Bashar Dear Ones,it’s so good …
Inspired Ideas
“When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about…” Rumi Dear Ones,the most inspired ideas come from the space beyond the physical mind. …
“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Albert Einstein Dear Ones,I have an intuitive mind and so often I know things without knowing why. …
Your Point of Power Is in the Present Moment
“Love calls everywhere and always.We are sky bound.Are you coming?” Rumi Dear Ones,your point of power is always in the present moment. Right now. Our physical 3-D reality of time …
Choose Love Not Fear
“Because I always have a choice, I choose love.” Deepak Chopra Dear Ones,the time of change and transformation we are going through is so powerful. Can you feel it too? …
Go With The Flow
“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” Lao Tzu Dear Ones,As the one is the all and the all are the one, there isn’t ever time …
The Power of Letting Go
Dear Ones,When we are caught in the mind we either push against something or try to hold onto something. For most of us it happens so unconsciously that we don’t …
Your Capacity to Give and Receive Love
Dear Ones,all of our relationships – whether they are romantic in nature, friendships, relationships within family or wider community – are offering countless opportunities to affirm what true love really is. …
The Miracle of the Human Body
Dear Ones,at the beginning of this year I had one of the most profound spiritual experiences so far. Quite unexpectedly, I saw myself from above and could see as clearly …
Dear Ones,there is so much richness within us and all around us and the more we understand our true nature the more we understand that abundance is available for all …