Dear Ones,As we are at the beginning of the year and connecting to our dreams and intentions, it’s important to ground ourselves in our innate worthiness. We need to know unequivocally that …
The Beauty Of Simplicity
Dear Ones, As we are experiencing and will continue to experience so many changes both in our personal lives and collectively, many of which we would never anticipate, it’s good …
Sweet Surrender
Dear Ones,Sometimes we hold onto things too tight and in doing so we are actually blocking them from further development and progress. There are literally only two sources of our thoughts, …
“Intuition is the whisper of the soul.” Krishnamurti Dear Ones,Would you agree that most of us think way too much? Being born into the society which lives predominantly in the head …
Self-Love & Self-Care
“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” Louise Hay Dear Ones,I feel that self-love always points us in the right direction…When you are loving and gentle toward yourself, you are …
Embracing The Unknown
“Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should…” Robert Adams Dear Ones,Sometimes we might feel uncertain about our path in life. Especially if …
The Power Of Your Focus
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein Dear Ones,It might not feel easy to keep a positive focus at …
The Power Of Your Authentic Self
“Authentic self is the soul made visible.” Sarah Ban Breathnach Dear Ones,Life is always changing and nothing stays the same. And so constantly we have to balance different parts within …
Choose Love Not Fear
“Because I always have a choice, I choose love.” Deepak Chopra Dear Ones,the time of change and transformation we are going through is so powerful. Can you feel it too? …
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” Meister Eckhart Dear Ones,one of the gifts as we go through this time of change is that it …